Hello, my name is Wendy and I'm addicted to Q-tips.
Shocking, I know. I just can't help myself! Yes, I've heard that you're not supposed to stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear. But really? If a Q-tip wasn't supposed to go in your ear, why is it the perfect size for it?
I could lie and say that I can stop any time. But I can't! They call to me... As soon as I get out of the shower, I hear their siren's song, "Put me in your ears, Wendy! You need us! Your ears will be waxy without us!" Who am I to ignore that? Truth be told, I have tried to go without. It was awful. I spent the whole day thinking about my ears and what might be lurking in them. So I gave up. I'll continue to buy Q-tips in bulk until my dying day. I love them so.
Now you know.
Don't judge me.
I just wanna know where you buy talking q-tips in bulk. They don't have them at our Costco. Maybe I should make a special request...
We get them in bulk at our Sam's Club. Although the other day I went to Walmart and they were out of the Q-tip brand... I had to settle for generics (which bend easier thereby causing me to use more).
My son laughs (or groans depending on the interpretation) because when he hugs me, I hug him back, and then immediately grab his ears and begin inspecting them. :)
Sometimes I forget to clean out my kids ears for awhile and E-gad! I could make ear wax candles! (Okay, I think I just made myself vurp.)
Also? My sister (who is very strange--not at all like me) gets out of the shower, wraps her hair in a towel and sticks a q-tip out of each ear. She says it soaks up the water. She walks around the house with q-tips sticking out of her ears until she puts her make-up on! Tell me that's not whack. Anyway, one day she forgot she had those things in her ears.
The phone rings. She answers it. Yeppers. Punchered her eardrum.
I suppose we all have a q-tip story. Thanks for sharing yours.
And for a story about my last experience with a Q-tip, read this post
Not for the faint of heart, but there is a funny cartoon. :-)
My name is Sarah and I also love q-tips. Besides using them in my ears, I also use them to clean between the keys on my computer keyboard. But I'm not an addict. I can stop any time I want to. I just don't want to.
Several years ago we told my gullible brother about
ear candling and he agreed to try it.
We had ear candles from a health food store but hid them.
My sister and I stuck PALE BLUE TAPERS in each of his ears , sticking straight out and then lit them.
He just sat there and we laughed until we were sick
He was 45 at the time.
It's amazing how one can write about something as simple as q-tips and get so many funny comments. Perhaps we should start a carnival where everyone writes about something funny... oh, wait....
Ginny - Uh, yeah.
Just last weekend my eldest son (34 - ought to know better) came up from the shower wrapped in a towel with those alien-looking Q Tips sticking out his ears. New bride says "He always does that. Isn't he cute?" Ummm - no. What is it with you people?
What doesn't kill you, might make you deaf.
You and the hubs would get along like a house afire...he's all about the Q-tips. I find his obsession a little disturbing, but at least it's erring on the clean side. ;)
For real. I could go into the feeling I get when I q-tip my ears, but this is a family blog...
What happened to my comment? I left a doozie!
OMG I love q-tips. I use them right when I get out of the shower too! I am lost without mine. I'm with Beki on this one too, makes my knees weak when I put one in my ear. :)
I am glad to know I am not along in my love of q-tips. I must use them as soon as I get out of the shower. The thought of water and wax in my ears is disturbing and if I forget...I am just like you I think about it all day!
You're funny and I enjoyed reading some of your posts. :)
I stick them in my belly button..true story. Did you see the episode of myth busters where they actually lit ear wax on fire to see if it could be done? It was inspired by Shrek and his ear wax candles. It did burn...it's probably not something you'd want to leave in your ears.
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