Brace yourself. This is actually a Life is Funny post. Will miracles never cease? Okay, before you go thinking I've given up on my slacking ways, this post is pretty much from my 8 year old nephew. He wrote a story for his class that made me laugh so much that I just had to share it. I'm sure I don't know how he comes by his humor...
"Once apon a time ther was three pigs. 1 pig had a straw house. The 2 pig had a stick house. The 3 pig had a brick house. And a wolf blow the 1 house in. The wolf blow the 2 house in. The wolf tryed blowing the 3 house in but the wolf cod not. So the wolf said I will eat cow from now on. The end."
Practical young man!
It really is a family gift, isn't it? Why are more people of the world not thanking us for sharing our sick and demented... er... I mean insightful and unique ways of thinking?!
I needed this giggle-snort. Gotta love the kids and their sense of humor.
When I get to choose between eating cow and eating pig, I always go for the cow.
This very well may make it into a future sermon. I like it that much
Smart wolf. Cows don't build houses, that would be so silly! Awesome story. Thanks Wendy!
A philosopher at 8 years old. He also spells better than I do.
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