Monday, March 16, 2009

Making it up as I go along

I'm in a bit of a quandry here. I have a post all ready for posting. It's been ready since this morning. I can't even believe how prepared I am. The problem? It's for the "What I Learned This Week" carnival, but Musings of a Housewife hasn't done her starting post yet. Yup, just checked again. Nada. But I feel like I should post something for today. I have nothing planned and I don't really know where I'm going with this. But here I am.

Still nothing.

Okay, looks like I'm going to have to come up with a topic. Bear with me.

Grasping at straws to pull this out... European people seem to be fascinated by the splits. Or maybe having dreams of doing the splits. How do I know this? Because my statcounter has been telling me that I've been getting a ton of hits all over Europe to this old post. And it's not that they've been Googling it, either. They're going right to it. Why is this post bouncing all over that continent? That I don't know. But I'm more than willing to take a trip over there to find out. Okay, that's not going to happen, but I'd still really like to know what's going on. Are they all over there mocking me because they can do the splits and I can't? Perhaps they just like the picture of the Banana Splits that I put on the post. Or Kim Possible. Anyway, it's a mystery.

These are the kind of things that keep me up at night.

If anyone can clue me in on this one, I'd be eternally grateful. Or just for fun, come up with your own ideas and tell me about them in the comments.

And hey, since tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day...


So, do you find life to be funny? Tell us about it! Jump on the "Life is Funny" carnival train! You know you wanna...


Tassi said...

How fun! I am going to have to check out that Life is funny when I get a chance later.

Love the cartoon.

Have a great day.

Unknown said...

Happy St Patrick's Day from N Ireland.

No idea of the fascination with splits.

Real Life Sarah said...

How funny! Sometimes I get a spike in traffic to a random post, and I figure someone must have linked it somewhere!

I found you through Musings!