Monday, November 29, 2010

Life is Funny - The mind of Wendy


There have been things floating around in my brain lately. Unrelated things. Things that may or may not be understood by seemingly normal folk. Why? Because it's my brain. 'Nuff said. So, without further ado...

Hi, my name is Wendy and I'm 43½ years old. That ½ is very important. Just ask my now 8½ year old. Yup, she just had her ½ birthday. She even had a countdown to it on her whiteboard. Do you remember they days when you'd add on ½ to your age? When did we stop doing that? I'm thinking I might start adding it back on again. Keeps people wondering.

We had a nice little snowfall last week. Where we live, we don't always get snow that actually sticks, so it's a treat. For me and my daughter, anyway. My husband? Not so much. He's very Grinchy that way. It doesn't stop him from going out and playing in the snow with the kiddo and dog though. And by "playing," I mean "pelting each other with as much snow as possible."


The kiddo after getting pelted


Crazy Gidget Dog after getting pelted


And my husband after getting pelted.

You know who didn't get pelted? The one holding the expensive camera. Until I put it down, of course. Then it was open season on Wendy. This just in: Snow is cold. You know, in case you were wondering.

Have you seen these commercials?

Is it just me, or would anyone else get a complex if an air freshener went off whenever you walked past it? Do I offend?! Okay, maybe a bit...

So, what's been on your mind this week?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The latest thing

Now I know that you're all going to be out doing your shopping this weekend, so I didn't want you to miss out on something really special. And it's made from the latest thing! I just know that you'll love these as much as I do!

Even though it's been a while, I'm willing to bet that these pants are still $13. We should stock up!

When you're done with your shopping, why not head over to Kathy's blog and see what's going on? I'll give you a hint: She's got a clip from my favorite Carole Burnett skit ever! Yeah, you'll want to see it.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Twitter Ho-down - The Thanksgiving Edition


Hello, and welcome to the Thanksgiving edition of the Twitter Ho-down! I'm not saying that a turkey coma would help you through this Ho-down, but...

The one-liners

Don't you just love talking to customer service reps? And hey, how about those root canals? Don'tcha just love those, too?

I just went from "old enough to know better" to "old enough not to remember what I know". (RT @duhism)

Chaos: What erupts when he-who-lives-in-a-glass-house invites he-who-is-without-sin for dinner. (RT @Daffynitions)

A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice. (RT @LostInPortland)

To get energized for the day I did 300 Crunches. The Nestle kind. (RT @beersuds)

"Don't trust the sweet potatoes. They'll take over the kitchen. You've got to keep an eye on them. Let them out. Don't!" #stm

"You can tell that turkey when it comes back here that it's not welcome. You tell it good." #stm

"Put it down! Step away from the yam. Step away!" #stm

"Butter... nut... squash. I like those words." #stm

"I can't believe you went to pick up a turkey without introducing yourself first. How rude of you. How presumptuous." #stm

"Of course I'm wearing my thunder underpants. It's Thursday. Friday is frilly underpants day. Don't forget!" #stm

Those sweet potatoes really are sneaky...

I'm not getting up at 3 a.m. to trample people at a store. I'll trample people when the time is right for me. (RT @badbanana)

I just poured superglue into a non-stick pan.Somebody is going to be wrong. (RT @funnyhumour)

TheRustedChain This made me cry happy. Love it! Flash Mob -

The ones that are a little bit longer

dlrayburn @weightwhat I left you a comment on the ho-down today. I think u ought to research the answer while I go ahead & preemptively call my wife.

weightwhat @dlrayburn Does your wife ever get tired of all the phone calls?

dlrayburn @weightwhat For some reason when I see you on Twitter, I have a mixture of Barnum & Bailey theme songs and square dancing music feel my head

weightwhat @dlrayburn Huh. What does one say to something like that?

katdish So now Twitter is telling me to switch to the new twitter or else...

weightwhat @katdish Did you tell twitter that it's not the boss of you?

katdish @weightwhat You would think Twitter would know that by now.

weightwhat @SBeeCreations I'm stitching monster teeth right now. And yes, I'm wearing granny glasses while stitching. In my jammies. #iamasighttobehold

kelybreez @weightwhat You're a wonderful creation!

weightwhat @kelybreez I am proof that God has a silly sense of humor. :o)

katdish Okay, this made me laugh.

weightwhat @katdish *facepalm*

opossum Pictures, Images and Photos

marni71 Chicken Soup for the Soul, Lower Back Pain. Wow, what's next--a Chicken Soup book for the hemmorhoid sufferer?

weightwhat @marni71 I hope so! I've already got it on my Christmas wish list.

The ones that are even longer

redclaydiaries Dear Pandora Radio, the only person allowed to sing The Hanukkah Song is Adam Sandler. #neildiamondFAIL #gonnahavenightmares

weightwhat @redclaydiaries GAAAA!!! There are two types of people in this world: Those who like Neil Diamond and those who don't. #idonotlikehim

redclaydiaries @weightwhat Me neither. Then hear him speak-sing "what a fine lookin' Jew" & you'll want to stick a skewer in ur ear. #idonotlikehim

weightwhat @redclaydiaries Just the thought of possibly hearing it some day makes me consider sticking a skewer in my ear.

duane_scott Has anyone ever invented something to warm your toes in bed besides your spouse?

weightwhat @duane_scott Yes, they're called "socks."

duane_scott @weightwhat I want something like an electric blanket

weightwhat @duane_scott You will get nothing and like it.

weightwhat @kelybreez So did you eat the possum and ferret then?

kelybreez @weightwhat Shoot, can't you wait for the stories? (I eat 'em if they're presented well.)

weightwhat @kelybreez I don't wait well. I thought that was common knowledge.

kelybreez @weightwhat It is. But I like you anyway. Just ministering to your needs.

weightwhat @kelybreez Hey, I never prayed for patience. I know how that turns out...

weightwhat Good morning! Do I smell turkey?

saphyreplatypus @weightwhat oh, sorry, that was me #excuseme

weightwhat @saphyreplatypus Wow. You should really do something about that.

saphyreplatypus @weightwhat I know. Is it too late to blame the dog?

weightwhat @saphyreplatypus Yup. That train has left the station.

pagan43 Family tradition is to hang the raw turkey neck on the front door knob...Please do not ask.

weightwhat @pagan43 How can you put a statement like that out there and then say, "Don't ask"? Well, I'm askin'.

pagan43 @weightwhat Kids were out one Thsgv. Eve.We tied raw neck on door knob unscrewed light bulb and hid. Kid touched neck and screamed.

weightwhat @pagan43 Aahhhh... Good times.

And the 'why don't you just post the whole conversation' ones

weightwhat @billycoffey Mornin'! How's your little corner of the world today?

billycoffey @weightwhat Quiet. Too quiet...

weightwhat @billycoffey Isn't that about the time that the zombies come out?

billycoffey @weightwhat Stop it!

weightwhat @billycoffey At least I didn't say zombie clowns...

billycoffey @weightwhat You just did!

weightwhat @billycoffey Oops. Sunshine and rainbows! There, did that fix it?

dlrayburn @makeadiff21 Me? Start trouble? Never!

weightwhat @dlrayburn You know, those horns on your head are a dead giveaway...

dlrayburn @weightwhat You ought to see me with a goatee... my wife has forbade me from every growing one again.

weightwhat @dlrayburn How do you keep your pointy tail hidden?

dlrayburn @weightwhat duck tape

weightwhat @dlrayburn Well there's a visual I didn't need...

Well there you have it. You've made it through another Ho-down. Don't you feel like you can tackle anything now? Doesn't it just make you want to go to Walmart and do some Black Friday shopping? Yeah, me neither.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Don't open that refrigerator!


Around this time every year, I start to get a craving. This is not just your regular have it once and you're satisfied cravings, but the kind where you aren't happy until you've consumed every bit of the item within a 5 mile radius. Yes, I start to crave turkey.

I've never understood the people who get tired of having turkey leftovers. And leftovers are a problem because...? Feel free to ship 'em my way!

I think my biggest problem is that I must rely on others for turkey. In all my years, I've never cooked a turkey. Thanksgiving is never at my house, so there's never been a need for me to give it a try. Ham, I've got down. Come over for Christmas or Easter and you're in for some pretty good ham. But don't expect an invite for Thanksgiving.

So for now, I'm stuck begging for leftovers. Thanksgiving this year will be at my house (due to a power outage at my folks house), but my mom will be coming over to make the turkey. But I already have a scheme to enable my turkey hoarding. Of course, I want to keep as much turkey as possible, so I have devised a plan to cause a distraction so that no one will see me whisking away the turkey leftovers to be hidden in my own refrigerator. That, and my folks don't have power, so there's no use in them taking home leftovers...

For anyone else who might be cooking turkey for the first time, I found the following helpful video. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mahna Mahna

Okay, it's a little late, but it's still Saturday! Ready for some silliness? This week, it's Muppet silliness! Who doesn't love the Muppets? No, really. Who? So here's some Muppet fun for you - enjoy!

What, that isn't enough for you? Then why not head over to Kathy's blog and see what else you can find? Go on. It builds character.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Enough seriousness - back to the Ho-down!


Hello, and welcome to the return of the Twitter Ho-down. Feel free to make yourself comfy and sit a spell. No really, have a seat. This could take a while.

The one-liners

Mmmm... Diet Cherry Limeade... #guesswhowenttoSonic

I'm thinking of leaving my body to science. Even scientists need a good laugh now and then. (RT @funnyoneliners)

I'm the opposite of psychic. I don't even know what I'm thinking. (RT @WendyLiebman)

The salad I had for lunch just didn't do it for me. But I'm sure this chocolate chip cookie will make it all better.

I have no idea what game my boys are playing, but it includes the phrase, "follow the trail of farts." (RT @stretchmarkmama)

Shouldn't proper grammar be used when belittling someone's intelligence? It seems like using poor grammar would diminish one's credibility. (RT @jewda4)

The ones that are a little bit longer

SBeeCreations For the love of all things holy, stop pinching me!

weightwhat @SBeeCreations Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything.

TheRustedChain *finally* carving pumpkins with my kids. #MomOfTheYear

weightwhat @TheRustedChain Because you finally found all the hidden Easter eggs?

The_BMG I thought when Twitter went to the New Twitter that there was going to be no more fail whales?

weightwhat @The_BMG And lollipops for everyone?

The_BMG @weightwhat Definitely lollipops for everyone. They should get on that.

weightwhat I made tin can phones for my daughter last night. They're the best thing since sliced bread. Yup, I totally rock!

saphyreplatypus @weightwhat I wrestled a coconut bra away from my daughter last night, and then my son.

weightwhat @saphyreplatypus Um... Can I borrow that?

WritingJoy 3yo boy. shirtless. outside. 51 degrees. purse left in front yard. poop in backyard eaten by dog. Mom needs a vacation.

weightwhat @WritingJoy There's just not enough Calgon in the world to take you away from this one, is there?

katdish "That's weird. Never seen an urinal in the Ladies Room before. Wait! I'm in the MENS room!" - Me

weightwhat @katdish You take all the best field trips.

katdish @weightwhat I do, don't I?

weightwhat @pagan43 What's the word?

pagan43 @weightwhat Bird Bird Bird is the word.

weightwhat @pagan43 You know that song is going to be stuck in my brain now, don't you?

weightwhat Is it just me, or does anyone else think that if we panned down on @kelybreez's avatar we'd see that he's on a skateboard?

kelybreez @weightwhat Am not. I've got it under my arm, & sitting on a great dane...

weightwhat @kelybreez Silly me for not realizing that.

duane_scott The past week has been amazing! There were times when I had to ask SG to pinch me so I knew it was real.. :)

makeadiff21 @duane_scott TWSS :-)

weightwhat @duane_scott Okay, there are some things you just don't need to share with the rest of us...

billycoffey @CandySteele I don't think there's such a thing as the billy coffey fan club.

weightwhat @billycoffey Then why am I wearing the t-shirt?

weightwhat Why yes, I am listening to Christmas music. And?

kelybreez @weightwhat That's illegal until 8pm on Thanksgiving night. I thought everyone knew this.

weightwhat @kelybreez I'm a rebel, Kely. A loner.

kelybreez @katdish @Helenatrandom @weightwhat @billycoffey Ok. There's my flurry of tweets for a while. Now back to the false world.

weightwhat @kelybreez I'll miss you terribly and think of you often. Or is it miss you often and think of you terribly? Yeah, whatever.

duane_scott @dlrayburn what?! There is nothing wrong with kissing, Dusty... #reallyweirdtweet
dlrayburn @duane_scott I'm so glad you put the comma in that last tweet.

weightwhat @dlrayburn *snort* (@duane_scott)

duane_scott @weightwhat you favorited my tweet? You little twert!!

weightwhat @duane_scott Twert? Do I need to slap you for that?

katdish I love the twitter, but sometimes I read people's tweets and think, "Why would you tweet something like that? You can't take it back."

weightwhat @katdish Are you talking about my tweets again?

redclaydiaries @weightwhat Hey! I want my two dollars.

weightwhat @redclaydiaries Didn't ask for a dime. Two dollars. Plus tip.

The ones that are even longer

dlrayburn @weightwhat just favorited your tweet: @duane_scott

weightwhat @dlrayburn Stalking my favorites now, are we?

dlrayburn @weightwhat Don't get TOO excited. It's a new feature of Tweetdeck. It shows who favorites your tweets.

weightwhat @dlrayburn Oh Dusty, you don't need to make up some silly story like that to hide the fact that you're stalking me.

weightwhat A serious post from me?! What's this world coming to?

SBeeCreations @weightwhat Don't faint - I commented

weightwhat @SBeeCreations GAAAAA!!!

SBeeCreations @weightwhat I know, it's shocking. Then again, you're the one that wrote the serious post on a Friday...

weightwhat @SBeeCreations Clearly it is the end of days.

SBeeCreations Yes! RT“@AmberStrocel: Dear family: it is not necessary to engage me in conversation when I'm in the bathroom. Really.”

weightwhat @SBeeCreations My rear end hitting the toilet seat seems to be a memory trigger for my daughter and she MUST show/tell me things right away.

WritingJoy @weightwhat @SBeeCreations You too? The world always comes to a screeching halt if I head to the jon or to the basement.

weightwhat @WritingJoy @SBeeCreations Yup. I'm to the point that I don't know if I can make a decision or fully inspect anything unless I'm pottying.

saphyreplatypus Another one bites the dust... r.i.p. "Princess George Monster Truck" fish. (yes the kiddos named him)

weightwhat @saphyreplatypus Burial at sea/toilet?

saphyreplatypus @weightwhat all drains lead to the ocean!

weightwhat @saphyreplatypus Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... Oh, wait. Nevermind.

And the 'why don't you just post the whole conversation' ones

WritingJoy @weightwhat Good morning! What are you up to today? I'm supervising a shirtless underwearless 3yo. I know you're jealous.

weightwhat @WritingJoy Yea! Naked day at your house! My daughter never understood why she had to put clothes on if we had company coming over.

WritingJoy @weightwhat Yes, my kids love nudity. Also, ignoring closed bathroom doors. They are invitations to barge on in. #whatisprivacy?

weightwhat @WritingJoy Remember what it was like before kids when the bathroom was really a restroom? Yeah, me neither.

WritingJoy @weightwhat Bathrooms are restrooms? I thought they were cheerleader training. "Poop goes in the potty! Poop goes in the potty! Hip hip...

weightwhat @WritingJoy My daughter never truly appreciated my potty song and dance I'd do for her. She's 8 now, so maybe I should try it again.

weightwhat @WritingJoy Just for the record, she still doesn't appreciate it. Artists are never truly appreciated during their lifetime.

weightwhat @Helenatrandom What did you do to yourself?

Helenatrandom @weightwhat Last week Saturday I dropped a 300 pound man on my right foot. It didn't swell, but it took a few days to turn blueish purple..

weightwhat @Helenatrandom Are you going to have a doctor take a look at it?

Helenatrandom @weightwhat I might. I hate to go in for nothing though... You know what I mean? If it's just bruised toes, there is nothing he can do

Helenatrandom @CandySteele If it swells any more or gets any more colorful, I may just give the doctor the privilege of seeing my nekkid foot

weightwhat @Helenatrandom Doctors would line up for that privilege!

Helenatrandom @weightwhat I KNOW! My feet are the hotttest part of my body. Really. There is a reason I must use three "t"s in "hottt"...

weightwhat @Helenatrandom Because 2 't's just wouldn't do your feet justice.

Helenatrandom @weightwhat But then, that was before the pretty colors and the swollen toe... I haven't figured out whether that adds or decreases value...

weightwhat @Helenatrandom Not really sure either. I mean, what happens when you mess with perfection?

Helenatrandom @candysteele @weightwhat 4 fractures, 3 toes

weightwhat @Helenatrandom Will this curb your 'dropping men on your feet' habit then?

kelybreez @Helenatrandom Put that man down right now! It's always funny until someone gets hurt!

Helenatrandom @kelybreez I know.... But at least HE didn't get hurt....

CandySteele @Helenatrandom Is it ok for you to walk on it?

Helenatrandom @CandySteele I'm supposed to stay off of it. And use my Momma's walker, though I think the cane would be better....

CandySteele @Helenatrandom either one would work - what ever makes it hurt the least

weightwhat @Helenatrandom I think you should just put your throne on a litter and get carried around everywhere by you man slaves.

br8kthru Pray for me please. I'm going soon to sing the national anthem & Alaska state song at a banquet. Never done either in public before! Ahhh!

weightwhat @br8kthru Will you be wearing your lucky sweater vest?

br8kthru @weightwhat no sweater vest today. Dang! I knew I forgot something! :)

weightwhat @br8kthru This is not looking good for you then. ;o)

br8kthru I made it! They may have been able to see my pit stains from the back row, but it went well! Thanks for the prayers!

weightwhat @br8kthru Was there ever really any doubt? About your singing, I mean. Not about whether or not they'd see your pit stains.

Hey, thanks for coming! Hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to tip your waitresses! Or me. Yeah, forget the waitresses. Just send money directly to me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

What Amazon doesn't understand

If you've been on the internet in the last couple of days, I'm sure you've come across the news about Amazon selling a book that's a guide for pedophiles. After a huge outcry (and I'm guessing a fear of losing business at Christmastime), Amazon pulled said book from its site. They didn't pull the other items on their site that promote this vile practice though. Why would Amazon keep other items on their site that are so abhorrent? That seek to steal and maim the innocence of young children and forever taint their view of themselves and the world around them? Although my guess is that it all comes down to the almighty buck, they drum it up to one thing: Censorship.

Amazon claims that if they don't sell these items, that it's censorship. They seem to view themselves as the bastion of free speech and liberty.

But I think they've got it all wrong.

In this country, we have the right to say/write/think pretty much anything that tickles our fancy. If someone tries to stop us from doing these things, then we are being censored. That's pretty straightforward.

Here's where Amazon gets it wrong. Choosing not to sell an item is not censorship, it's using discernment. Every day we have to make choices. To differentiate between right and wrong. To take the high road or the low road. The choices we make say a lot about who we are and the character we embrace. This is true not just for individuals, but for companies, too. Just because you're a large corporation doesn't mean that you're free from having to make a distinction between that which is acceptable and that which is repugnant. Deciding not to sell a book does not keep the author from writing it, it keeps you from being a used as a megaphone to promote activities that are illegal and deplorable.

What are your choices saying about you?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

He's only mostly dead

Happy Saturday all! My all-time favorite movie is The Princess Bride. Love. It. So today, I'm sharing a clip from it for you all to enjoy. I'm a giver!

Now doesn't that make you want to go watch the entire movie? Yup, that's what I'll be doing later!

Ready for some more fun? Why not head over to Kathy's blog and see what's going on over there?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Can one Hokey Pokey in a Snuggie?


Hello and welcome to another episode of the Twitter Ho-down! Grab your popcorn, sit back and enjoy! Or rock back and forth, slapping your forehead, trying to find your happy place. Whatever.

The one-liners

I have a whole lot of nothing to say today. If it weren't for Twitter, I might not have an outlet for that. (RT @FlyoverJoel)

It's raining here in Washington. Go ahead. Be shocked.

I'm playing Cribbage against the computer. The computer totally cheats.

weightwhat @katdish I went to Tuesday Morning today. Saw lots of crap. Be expecting a large package soon.

I hit the control key but I'm still not in control. (RT @funnyoneliners)


The ones that are a little bit longer

duane_scott I just scared up a whole village of dust bunnies while moving my bedroom furniture for the first time in 12 years. Some of them were BIG!

weightwhat @duane_scott With big sharp pointy teeth? Did they jump?

Brian_Russell Be honest, who's got a candy-coma?

weightwhat @Brian_Russell Not me. But if I find candy corn later today at half price? You betcha!

weightwhat Okay, time for me to make like a tree and get out of here. #ilovebacktothefuture

JeffHolton @weightwhat Is there something wrong with the Earth's gravitational pull in the future?

weightwhat @JeffHolton That's heavy.

br8kthru Juneau is wet, cold & rainy today. In other shocking news, my gym bag smells terribly of stale sweat. Just keeping you informed. :)

weightwhat @br8kthru Thank you for the information. I'm waiting with bated breath for your toenail clipping update.

ImAPennyPincher @weightwhat Just read your blog. I now have to clean my laptop screen. You need warning labels. *Do not drink while reading this blog*

weightwhat @ImAPennyPincher You're welcome.

WritingJoy @weightwhat I'm about to take a shower. #YesThisIsNoteworthy #SadCommentaryOnMyLife

weightwhat @WritingJoy Good luck. We're all counting on you.

katdish HA! Awesome //RT @BryanEdHill: Going trick or treating...I'm a ceiling fan

weightwhat @katdish Now that's funny!


kelybreez @weightwhat Dreams with barking chickens always go south soon after.

weightwhat @kelybreez Are you speaking in code again? The duck flies at midnight. The chandelier is tilted.

kelybreez @weightwhat Are u serious? Duck AND chandelier?! It's upon us then. Tell @katdish & @Helenatrandom and load up the decomfobulinemoncer!

saphyreplatypus Almost party time, daughter is so excited she gets to hit her pinata today. :-)

weightwhat @saphyreplatypus Won't it be nice to see the thing you spent so many hours making being beaten to a pulp in mere minutes?

The ones that are even longer

dlrayburn RT @weightwhat: Happy Blogaversary to me! A special Twitter Ho-down post. //I'm Ho-Down Fodder.

weightwhat @dlrayburn Would you really have it any other way?

dlrayburn Not really...the ho-down is like the tabloids at the checkout line. You can't help but look.

weightwhat @dlrayburn Really? I always thought of it more like a train wreck. You just can't look away...

redclaydiaries Reporting from the skating rink, den of tween hormones, 4 a bday party. Stay tuned for people-watching

weightwhat @redclaydiaries Please tell me you're wearing sequins...

redclaydiaries @weightwhat I didn't have any sequins that matched my skating skirt. In other news, IT'S TIME FOR THE HOKEY POKEY!!

weightwhat @redclaydiaries It really IS what it's all about!

duane_scott What did everyone dress up as tonight?

WritingJoy @duane_scott I am going to be @weightwhat for Halloween - she wears pajamas all day.

weightwhat @WritingJoy I think that's a fabulous idea!

WritingJoy @weightwhat What can I say? You're my hero!

weightwhat @WritingJoy No autographs, please.

weightwhat Morning all!

fishythoughts @weightwhat No thanks, already had one.

weightwhat @fishythoughts Crazy future person! Why do you taunt me so?!

fishythoughts @weightwhat Those who live only in the past will have no future #mysteriouscrapsaidbyafish

weightwhat @fishythoughts Someone should be glad I don't eat seafood and it's you.

weightwhat Okay, what's the word?

saphyreplatypus @weightwhat supercalifragilisticexpialadocious

weightwhat @saphyreplatypus Good word.

saphyreplatypus @weightwhat I was feeling a little precocious.;-)

weightwhat @saphyreplatypus You know, there's a cure for that. You even get to take it with a spoonful of sugar.

And the 'why don't you just post the whole conversation' ones

kelybreez @katdish Twitter peeps. I love words. What's your favorite word in the English language that's starts w/ 3rd letter of your first name?

kelybreez @kelybreez Mine is "lepidoptera." Or maybe "loquacious." Wait, maybe it's "lettuce."

weightwhat @kelybreez Why are you talking to yourself?

weightwhat @kelybreez Nincompoop.

kelybreez @weightwhat I'm talking to myself to keep my tweet from also going to facebook. @s don't forward to fb. I could always @ you, if you'd like.

kelybreez @weightwhat Favorite word starting w/ the 3rd letter of your first name? Or are u calling me that?

weightwhat @kelybreez Wouldn't you like to know?

TchrEric @kelybreez From some of the conversations around here I'd say that @weightwhat was doing both...

weightwhat @TchrEric It's like you know me...

duane_scott I just learned that titilating is a word. I just became titilated.

pagan43 @duane_scott We are to presume you know the meaning of your new word . has nothing to do with udders. #titilating

weightwhat @duane_scott In public?!

duane_scott @weightwhat @marni71 it's not a bad word!

weightwhat @duane_scott *snort*

pagan43 @duane_scott You keep confusing me with @marni71. I am Kristi, The one with the Water Shack getaway place.

weightwhat @pagan43 That's what happens when one over titilates. (@duane_scott)

weightwhat @katdish Someone needs a Snuggie...

katdish @weightwhat No snuggie for me, but I think I found one for @Helenatrandom


weightwhat @katdish That totally looks like @Helenatrandom! She's a wild woman, she is.

Helenatrandom @katdish Perfect! A snuggie to match my undies!

weightwhat @Helenatrandom On the days you're not going commando anyway.

Helenatrandom @weightwhat Shhhh..... Not everyone here knows about that...

weightwhat @Helenatrandom Oops...

Taa-daa! No applause, just throw money. Now get on out there and get to tweeting! I'll be watching...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Is it tomorrow yet?

One more day. Just one more day. Then we can start watching tv and answering our phones again. You know what I'm talking about. Political ads. Just one more day until the blissful return of commercials for toys and denture cream...

As for today, did you vote? If not, why? You really should get out there and vote. Unless, of course, your political views differ from mine. Then feel free to stay home. It's the right thing to do.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Life is Funny - Number 3's


Before we go any further...

Moms totally get this. Poop explosions. How does such a tiny little body hold so much poop?! When I was a baby, my parents couldn't leave the house without at least two changes of clothes for me. And I'm not just talking about tops and bottoms, they had to bring extra shoes and socks, too. Because without fail, as soon as we'd leave the house, there would be a number 3 that would fill every nook and cranny within 5 yards of my little butt. The stories are legendary and many. And although I can't prove it, I believe that my mom wished upon me a child who would do the same thing.

She got her wish.

My daughter was a butt explosion waiting to happen, preferably at the most inopportune time. Waiting in line for a picture with Santa? Check. Mommy just used the last diaper while out running errands? Check. In the middle of a diaper change when her legs were pulled up in the air? Check. Don't think that I didn't pass along a mother's wish to my daughter. Yeah.

So, what number 3 stories do you have to tell? Feel free to put them in the comment section. Or better yet, blog about it and link it up to my blog carnival below! And don't forget to link back here, huh? Don't make me wish number 3's on you.