Thursday, August 13, 2009

The appearance of br8kdish. Be afraid.


I can't believe that it's already time for another round of the Twitter Ho-down over at Fellowship of the Traveling Smarty Pants! From the looks of it, I could have used a few more days in the week. Or even better, I need @Helenatrandom to get back on the Twitter. We all miss you, Helen! So for better or for worse, here's my Twitter post for the week. Um... Enjoy?

The one-liners

@PeterPollock Can you believe that they'd actually have conversations without us being here?! Inconceivable!

@br8kthru So what's this about washing your family's underwear inside you? What would the spin cycle look like?

@br8kthru You ate briefs for lunch? Is this part of the whole having your laundry inside of you thing again?

@katdish I noticed. Between you and @Helenatrandom being gone, it's like a ghost town around here. Look! A tumbleweed!!

Waking up to words like 'zing' and 'sassy'... Not really sure I'm awake enough for that yet.

Sometimes a bowl of Froot Loops just makes a morning better.

I can't believe I missed the whole computer licking conversation earlier. Doesn't that just seem like a conversation I'd be involved in?

@br8kthru Isn't it a little early to be so pushy?

@redclaydiaries Look! Flying pigs!

@emptynestegg Froot Loops could change your life.

Okay, no one's allowed to leave Twitter today. I've got a Twitter post to write for tomorrow and I'm seriously lacking material. Funny it up.

I'd like some coffee, but I really don't want to go make it. I guess that makes me both tired and lazy. I need a coffee robot, dagnabbit!

@br8kthru Hey, did I tell you that I'm being followed by @endhemorrhoids now? Some people are just lucky, I guess.

@foreverdebilynn Has your warranty expired and now you're falling apart? Or is that just me?

Because I just couldn't resist... RT @NutTheSquirrel - So if your power goes out, where does it go?

@foreverdebilynn Yes, only 10 here. But still so much to do. And you're messing around with both Facebook and MySpace? Shameless hussy.

@billycoffey You're such a tease.

Hubby is home from chicken class. Gotta go for now. Bok bok!

Trying to do the Twitter Ho-down post for my own blog now. I did some serious underachieving this week.

@BridgetChumbley Again with the low standards Bridget? Really?

@katdish I think someone is just jealous of my awesome power and it's you.

@billycoffey So tell me, Billy, do you like to watch gladiator movies?

@redclaydiaries Are you saying that I pull people down into obscurity with me?! GAAAA!!!

@WinLiannefield You know what else is good with bacon? More bacon.

A little bit longer ones

katdish -Okay, seriously. Cannot get sucked into the twitter. I have to write something!

@katdish Here, I'll do it for you. "Something"

redclaydiaries Attn twitter newbies: Quickest way to get me to click unfollow? Invite me to join ur twitter army, mafia or ninja dojo. Just sayin.

weightwhat @redclaydiaries But will you join my twitter army, mafia or ninja dojo? I'm thinking we need all three. We could have cute uniforms...

@weightwhat Will there be viking hats?

@redclaydiaries Of course. See?


And the 'why don't you just post the whole conversation' ones

I'm feeling a rip in the time-space continuum... Twitter is showing that I've only done 771 tweets and we all know that's just not right.

WinLiannefield @weightwhat You hit infinity and went beyond. I am in awe.

weightwhat @WinLiannefield Okay, we'll go with that theory. Because 772 (now) tweets? What, that's like a week's worth for me.

br8kthru @weightwhat so would you say that perhaps the time-space continuum has developed hemorrhoids? Hmmm, just a thought.

weightwhat @br8kthru That could, indeed, be the problem. Good thing I've got so many hemorrhoid followers to fight it off.

HerbieGookins @br8kthru Really, please encourage Wendy to talk about hemorrhoids some more, because that doesn't happen enough.

weightwhat @HerbieGookins Hey! You love me! Just remember that.

I have pretty toenails now. Jealous?

billycoffey @weightwhat Yes, but don't tell anyone.

weightwhat @billycoffey I thought you might be.

billycoffey @weightwhat Shhh!

weightwhat @billycoffey You know, if you're going to wear a bikini and carry around the round # sign, you shouldn't neglect your toenails. Be pretty!

billycoffey @weightwhat Wait, I'm not wearing cowboy boots? That's a deal breaker.

weightwhat @billycoffey Hey, you can wear the cowboy hat. How's that?

billycoffey @weightwhat Hi, Wendy. And sadly, 'night Wendy. Would pretty toenails help me stay up later?

weightwhat @billycoffey Yes, they really would. You should probably go take care of that tomorrow then. So goodnight for now. Cover those toenails.

billycoffey @weightwhat Okay. But I'm still a man, right?

weightwhat @billycoffey Of course. To think otherwise would be silly. Don't forget to air dry that bikini, huh? The dryer does horrible things to it.

weightwhat @br8kthru Okay, okay. Pushy was fine in that instance. Just don't turn into @katdish though, huh? :o)

br8kthru @weightwhat wow, just had a strange image of like the old Conan bit, "if they mated" where he merges 2 people's photos-

br8kthru @weightwhat br8kdish- the world ain't ready for that...

weightwhat @br8kthru {{{shudder}}}

br8kthru @weightwhat per our conversation, I'm a weirdo & couldn't resist- behold, br8kdish


weightwhat @br8kthru Wow, that's just so wrong... So wrong...

HerbieGookins @br8kthru Oh my goodness, br8kdish is going to give me nightmares!! :)

br8kthru @HerbieGookins isn't that disturbing!?

SBeeCreations @br8kthru This is disturbing. (br8kdish)

br8kthru @SBeeCreations yes. yes, it is. And you can't unsee it.

WinLiannefield @br8kthru Ummm. What? By the way, br8kdish was disturbing in a similar life-altering way.

br8kthru @WinLiannefield I'll take that as a compliment...

WinLiannefield @br8kthru Yes, you should. Has @Katdish seen that monstrosity?

br8kthru @WinLiannefield I'm sure I would have heard about it if she had. It's @weightwhat 's fault anyway

weightwhat @br8kthru Okay, hold on here. What's my fault?

br8kthru @weightwhat you got my twisted brain going. After that, i can't be held responsible for pictures that get morphed

weightwhat @br8kthru Oh sure, just try to blame it on me. I'm not the one morphing pictures. But only because I don't know how.

br8kthru @weightwhat and hey, at least it's smiling, right?

WinLiannefield @br8kthru I think the smiling makes it worse.

br8kthru @WinLiannefield yeah it's a little serial killer-ish

weightwhat @br8kthru Really? You'd call that a smile? Is it because teeth are being barred?

weightwhat @br8kthru Nice try, but I'm still not taking the fall on this one.

br8kthru @WinLiannefield @weightwhat @herbieGookins seriously you guys will probably need to protect me when @katdish sees this

weightwhat @br8kthru By 'protect you' you do mean 'feed him to the lions', right?

br8kthru @weightwhat wow, I guess I know who my friends are. sheesh!

weightwhat @br8kthru What do you expect when you tried to blame it on me first? Silly boy.

So there you have it. You're stunned and amazed, aren't you? I have that effect on people. Now go do some tweeting, huh?


Beki - TheRustedChain said...

These crack me up!

And generally I've seen them all when they were posted on twitter. I'm like a silent twitter stalker.

katdish said...




How in the world did I miss this? That is just frightning. My son told me I looked like Jeff Foxworthy.

jasonS said...

Make sure you have br8kdish back in its cage by 6 PM. It gets hungry and if it's not fed, angry. You wouldn't like br8kdish when it's angry...

sherri said...

Your Baby girl is BEAUTIFUL/ADORABLE/Precious! I want one!

Billy Coffey said...

I had no idea my publicist was the Unabomber.

Anonymous said...

LOL...need I say more?!

Stephanie Wetzel said...


THAT's what you people were talking about. During the br8kdish conversation I was busy trying to convince Tweetdeck that I was indeed following the people I was following. I got like 1 in 5 tweets, which made it sound even more insane.

Mark said...

I don't eat meat, cause I'm a vet-er-in-arian. In other news, that picture of Katdish is downright frightening.

Kelli said...

Wendy, you scare me! That br8dish picture is simply brilliant!! LOL!!