Friday, October 23, 2009

It's not the size of the tweet...


Hello, my name is Wendy and I've been a Twitter Slacker. Again. Yup, been a bit light on the Twitter again. But hey, it saves you from all that extra reading, right? So here ya go. The best and worst of my week on Twitter. You're welcome.

The one liners

I'm early for an appt. Clearly this signals the end of days.

It's raining. In Washington. Crazy, huh?

Pringles and chocolate gelato: The new breakfast of champions.

weightwhat RT @PamperingBeki Please keep your fingers out of my nose. #thingsIneverthoughtIdsay

weightwhat Because the dog doesn't like being poked there. #thingsIneverthoughtIdsay

weightwhat Now tell me again how the glue got THERE? #thingsIneverthoughtIdsay

weightwhat @BridgetChumbley I think everyone will be driving their kids to school while wearing their jammies in the future. I'm a trendsetter.

@makeadiff21 Need to borrow a cattle prod?

Gotta drive the kiddo to school. She missed the bus. Yes, now the school gets to see me in my jammies. How lucky are they?

@Helenatrandom Oh Helen, have I taught you nothing during our time together? Raisins are evil and can only be made moreso.

@br8kthru I'm away for 2 minutes and I come back to see I'm getting blamed for stuff? Really?

@stretchmarkmama Heh heh, she said buttress.

A little bit longer ones

ImAPennyPincher DH is a hard core meatetarian, but I am seriously considering a few meatless dishes a week... suggestions anyone??

weightwhat @ImAPennyPincher Yeah. Make meat.

marni71 @weightwhat What's up??

weightwhat @marni71 The sky, the price of gas and the size of my shoes. Stupid big feet.

katdish @Helenatrandom @makeadiff21 @Doallas @BridgetChumbley @billycoffey @HeatherSunseri @br8kthru Thx for the RTs. I'm officially overexposed

weightwhat @katdish Maybe now's a good time to get out that Snuggie then. We wouldn't want you all overexposed.

PuriChristos @weightwhat @katdish ewww

weightwhat Whoa. This bag of Pirate Booty was full just a minute ago.

redclaydiaries @weightwhat What? You're holding a pirate's booty? Isn't that inappropriate?

weightwhat @redclaydiaries I bought him dinner first.

@sarahmsalter I love egg nog! I assume Wild Turkey is bourbon? I don't know my likker.

@CandySteele TWSS

And the ‘why don’t you just post the whole conversation’ ones

weightwhat So, how is everyone this morning?

makeadiff21 @weightwhat Did I mention we have sun this morning?? SO happy.

weightwhat @makeadiff21 Sun? Is this unusual for where you are?

sarahmsalter @weightwhat Well, now that you're here, evidently the sun has come out at @makeadiff21's house. See how powerful you are? ;-)

weightwhat @sarahmsalter Well, I am Sweetness and Light™.

sarahmsalter @weightwhat Oh, Wendy, we ALL live to be harrassed by you. You are the wind beneath our wings. ::batting eyelashes::

weightwhat @sarahmsalter Truer words were never spoken.

br8kthru @weightwhat when I said make some trouble- I didn't mean harassing me...

weightwhat @br8kthru No, you only thought you meant not to harass you. In actuality, you live for being harassed by me. Denying it will get you nowhere

br8kthru @weightwhat I have been instructed to deny, deny, deny... By whom? that's for me to know & you to find out.

weightwhat @br8kthru Shall it be torture then? Bring out the comfy chair and the soft cushions!

br8kthru @weightwhat Okay, commence the confusion... Now I'm just lost. Was bound to happen really...

weightwhat @br8kthru Must I explain everything?

Feel like you didn't get your fill of tweets? Then head on over to Fellowship of the Traveling Smarty Pants to see what others have been working on this week.


jasonS said...

Oh no, I'm full of tweets. Dr. says they should have treatment options available very soon, but he gets mad when I call them tweetments... Weird, huh?

What does this have to do with anything, you may ask? Wouldn't you love to know... :)

Helen said...

I absolutely LOVE that scene from Monty Python!

Bob and joke about it all the time...Only I threaten to torture him with kisses....and then he quotes "All Dogs Go to Heaven"

"If thees ees torture, then chain me to the wall..."


You could always not approve it, and I'll comment something tame later...

Stephanie Wetzel said...



Okay, now back to the comment:

I'm just glad that one of the FEW times our paths crossed on the twitter this week got into the post.

As opposed to into the booty.


Max02 said...

The Monty Python video is hilarious!

Rebecca said...

"If thees ees torture, then chain me to the wall..."

That should have been a tweet, Helen.

Wendy, Twitter would be a sad place without you on it. TWSS.

katdish said...

Well WAY TO GO CANDY! for seizing on a good TWSS moment.

Also? "I bought him dinner first"...Snort!