It's been a slow week on the twitter. So slow that I'll be including something in today's post that at first I hadn't intended posting. Sorry/you're welcome.
The one-liners
I have a house full of Girl Scout Cookies. Minus 1. Minus 2. Minus 3...
Huh. I had a package of Girl Scout Cookies sitting here a minute ago and now there's just an empty wrapper. Where'd they go?
And who drank my milk?
Finally got my Life is Funny post up. Hey, I gave up timeliness for Lent, remember?
Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering leads to craving KFC. (RT @badbanana)
I'm following you. Not in a creepy, behind-you-in-the-parking-lot way, but in an excited-to-read-your-random-thoughts way.
When I see a man with a beard, mustache & glasses, I think, there's a man who took every precaution against someone doodling on his picture. (RT @funnyoneliners)
A little bit longer ones
Helenatrandom @weightwhat Oh if only you said something a little earlier... You know I ALWAYS listen to you....
weightwhat @Helenatrandom Listening to me is the only sensible thing to do. I am the voice of reason afterall.
CandySteele @weightwhat It's people like you that teach me to think on my feet, Wendy. Today, you were a text from RB....
weightwhat @CandySteele Hi. I'm Ron Burgandy.
pagan43 @weightwhat I am going to put on my tin foil hat & pajamas and go to bed. will work the same as "I have a headache?" #nottonite
weightwhat @pagan43 My guess is yes. Maybe even better than a headache. And for a longer period of time.
The ones that are even longer
billycoffey @weightwhat Did I say hello to you, Wendy? I must not have, because I'm sure you would have said hello back...
weightwhat @billycoffey No, you did not. *sniffle*
billycoffey @weightwhat Oh Wendy, you know you're my favorite.
weightwhat @billycoffey Oh, you're only saying that because it's true.
And the one you really shouldn't read. Don't say you weren't warned.
BridgetChumbley @sarahmsalter I like Oreos! Esp the double stuffs...
weightwhat @BridgetChumbley EEEEWWWW!!! TWSS.
makeadiff21 @weightwhat What'd she say???
BridgetChumbley @weightwhat hehehehe That is nasty! I missed it, totally!
Helenatrandom @weightwhat I am suddenly feeling like an ingenue... I don't get that last TWSS at all....
weightwhat @Helenatrandom Ignorance is bliss, Helen. Trust me.
sarahmsalter @Helenatrandom I don't get it either...
weightwhat @sarahmsalter You don't wanna know.
Helenatrandom @sarahmsalter @makeadiff21 Well, it looks like the three of us qualify for ingenuity.
weightwhat @Helenatrandom What are you trying to say about @BridgetChumbley and me? Hmmm...?
BridgetChumbley @weightwhat No kidding...
Nick_theGeek @weightwhat I"m trying to find the TWSS but I can't ... what am I missing?
weightwhat @Nick_theGeek Knowledge that you don't need to have. Ever.
Helenatrandom @weightwhat That you and @BridgetChumbley aren't as innocent as @makeadiff21, @sarahmsalter, and I are. Oh....and @Nick_theGeek
weightwhat @Helenatrandom Hmph!
BridgetChumbley @Helenatrandom Ouch! Remember who TWSS'd who... I just like chocolate cookies! #totallyinnocentdoublestufflover
weightwhat @BridgetChumbley GAAAAA!!!! "#totallyinnocentdoublestufflover" TWSS! Again!
makeadiff21 @BridgetChumbley Pahahahahaha! I wondered. I get it now. I guess I'm not so innocent afterall.
weightwhat @makeadiff21 Welcome to the dark side.
sarahmsalter @weightwhat OH MY GOSH! I think I get it now!
weightwhat @sarahmsalter Another one bites the dust.
BridgetChumbley RT @makeadiff21: RT @weightwhat: @makeadiff21 Welcome to the dark side. // It's more fun here :-) // Do you have cookies?
weightwhat @BridgetChumbley Don't give @BridgetChumbley the double stuffed! (they make her crazy!)
Now aren't you glad you'll have a week to recover? But if you're a glutton for punishment and can't get enough of the tweets, head over to Fellowship of the Traveling Smarty Pants to see what others have contributed to the Twitter Ho-down.
Yes, Mr. Bones that's terrible...
Thanks, I guess. :)
I still don't get it. I am obstinate that way. I don't want to have my relationship with Oreo Cookies ruined over "TWSS". Did you know their are mint flavored Oreos? A friend found them at Christmas and gave me some. Why couldn't I find it ANYWHERE? It was chocolate covered, and had a Christmas tree on it. Let me know if you see it, and don't tell me about any double meanings in Christmas Oreo cookies...
LMBO - I totally missed the Oreo/TWSS conversation. Thank you. I needed that. Good way to finish out the week.
*sigh* At least I'm famous in an odd sort of way... I'll take what I can get!
I get it lol and oddly enough my word verification is herful...make your own connection!
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