Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Parenting 101 - preparing for baby

Don't worry, it's not the Spanish Inquisition. It's just another Parenting 101. That's not to say that the Spanish Inquisition isn't coming... And in case you missed it, check out my last Parenting 101 post. Someone's gotta be a role model around here.

Caring for your child begins in the womb.


Yes, you should be worried about jackhammer noise hurting your unborn child. You should try to get away from that noise by going down to the corner store and buying more cigarettes. Gotta keep up with that 2 pack a day habit, you know.

Now how about checking out the Life is Funny blog carnival? There are some pretty funny entries so far. If Mr. Linky is still broken, I've put the links to the other funnies in the comment section. And while you're there, why not link your own funny story?


Candy said...

You have got to be kidding me. I was going to blame the jackhammers on breaking Mr. Linky, but I think I'll throw the blame on the tobacco industry. Poor Mr. Linky, up in smoke....

Helen said...

While she's gettting cigarettes, maybe she can pick up some hard liquor and amphetamines...for the baby...

Heather said...

I'm going to go with Helen on this. Perhaps if she's really wanting to 'live on the edge' she can just drink the hard liquor straight from the bottle...

MoonGoddess said...

Bet she even had a Baby On Board sign in her car! What a mom.

Kelli said...

That is seriously messed up! I cringe every time I see it.

The Fat Dietitian said...

That is too funny... I laughed so hard I snorted at that pic! :)

Lori said...

Wow - that's amazing. And sad. You've got a hilarious view on things! I'm enjoying perusing your blog. :)